Department of Applied Psychology


Staff of the department

Head of the Department (temp.):

1Huliaieva O.V.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor


Kreydun N.P.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Professor

4555Kryazh I.V.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

132Pavlenko V.M.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Professor

4353Barinova N.V .

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor

Yanovskaya S.G .

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor

Zotova L.M.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor

414Miloslavska O.V.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor

423Pavlenko H.V.

PhD, Senior Lecturer

777Sevostianov P.O.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Senior Lecturer

5656Skvorchevska Y.L.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor

12Bohdanovskyi S..


455641Shvalb A. Yu.

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor


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