Shvalb Anton Yuriyovych
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Shvalb Anton Yuriyovych was born on February 26, 1974, in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
In 1990, he graduated from Kharkiv Secondary School No. 1.
In 2005, he earned a higher education degree from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, qualifying as a teacher of biology and chemistry.
In 2013, defended his candidate's dissertation titled “Formation of Psychological Readiness of Future MES Psychologists to Provide Emergency Assistance” and received the academic degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences at the specialized academic council of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine (NUCDS) (diploma DC No. 015646).
In 2023, was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology in Extreme Conditions (certificate AD014434).
He has 18 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work at higher education institutions. The main stages of his academic and teaching career include:
- 09/01/2006 –09/12/2022: Lecturer in the Department of Psychology in Extreme Conditions, Faculty of Social Psychology, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, SES.
- 09/12/2022 – 08/21/2024: Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology in Extreme Conditions, Faculty of Social Psychology, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, SES.
- From 09/16/2024: Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Membership in Public Organizations: Member of the public organization "Association of Independent Experts."
Teaching Experience:
- Psychology (for non-psychology faculties)
- Political Psychology
- Techniques of Social-Psychological Training
- Psychological Aspects of Successful Entrepreneurship
- Experimental Psychology
Field of Scientific Interest:
- Conducting consultative and training work
- Research on the formation and development of resilience and psychological readiness
Key Publications:
Shvalb A. Formation of psychological preparedness to rendering emergency psychological aid to posttrained population in psychologists of civil protection service of Ukraine. Innovation and information technologies in the social and economic development of society. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts Katowice School of Technology, Monograph 15, 2018 . ‒ P. 31-38
Швалб, А.Ю. Особливості гендерних стереотипів сучасної молоді України. Актуальні проблеми психології: Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. – К. : Інстит психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України, 2019. – Том VІІ. Екологічна психологія. – Випуск 48. – С. 211-221.
А. Швалб, Л. Перелигіна А., Дербеньова. Шляхи корекції психічної дезадаптації до навчальної діяльності у період воєнного часу // Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психології. – Харків: НУЦЗУ, 2022. – N 2 (4). – С. 85-99.
Швалб, А.Ю. Концепція тренінгу розвитку комплексу когнітивних здібностей. Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психології. Збірник наукових праць. Вип. 22. – Харків: НУЦЗУ, 2017. – С. 212-220.
Mukhina, H., Yakymchuk, I., Oliinyk, Y., Elvizou, M., & Shvalb, A. (2023). The relationship between coping strategies of extreme job holders and post-traumatic stress disorders. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 299-309. Журнал: AMAZONIA INVESTIGA Видавництво: Universidad de la Amazonia, Colombia Індексується в Web of Science в категорії: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), що входить в Web of Science Core Collection. ISSN: 2322-6307
Застосування тренінгової технології при формуванні засобів психічної саморегуляції у психологів МНС Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психології. Збірник наукових праць. - Вип. 8. – Харків: НУЦЗУ, 2010. - С. 247-253.
Anton Y. Shvalb, Alisa G. Derbeneva
Formation of psychological preparedness to rendering emergency psychological aid to posttrained population in psychologists of civil protection service of Ukraine. Innovation and information technologies in the social and economic development of society. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts Katowice School of Technology, Monograph 15, 2018 . ‒ P. 31-38.
ResearcherID (Web of Science) 57210313834