Skvorchevska Yevheniia
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Skvorchevska Yevheniia Leonidivna graduated from V.N. Karazin (2008), postgraduate student of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (2015). Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
In 2015 she defended her dissertation on the topic «Psychological features of the formation of the motivational-value sphere of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties» 19.00.07 «Pedagogical and developmental psychology» (supervisor – Prof. Sokolova I.M.).
Since 2022 she has been responsible for the GDR at the department.
Since 2022, she has been responsible for the employment of graduates of the department.
Gerontopsychology and palliative care.
Psychology of creativity (interfaculty discipline).
Area of scientific interests:
Psychology of motivation, social psychology, personality psychology.
Main publications:
1. Skvorchevska Y.L. Features of the dynamics of educational motivation and professional orientation of students in different courses of study. Vestnik KNPU named after S. Skovoroda Psychology. Kharkov: KNPU. 2015. Issue. No. 50. S. 206-214.
2. Skvorchevska Y.L., Sokolova I.M., Sapelnikova T.S. Study of the features of conscious and academic self-regulation of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties Znanstvena misel journal. Slovenia. 2019. No. 37. pp. 42-47.
3. Skvorchevska Y.L. Psychological features of examination anxiety among psychology students Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazin. Series «Psychology». Issue 69, 2020, pp. 23–28.
4. Skvorchevska Y.L. Influence of the locus of control on the educational success of psychology students Zeszyty naukové wyzszey szkoly technicznej w Katowicach №12. 2020. S. 151-162.
5. Skvorchevska Y.L. Procrastination as a typical socio-psychological problem Psychology and social work. Odessa. 2020. S. 166-178.
6. Skvorchevska Y.L. Peculiarities of locus of control in agricultural students Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej szkoły technicznej w Katowicach. 2021. No. 13. pp. 145-158.
7. Skvorchevska Y.L. The style of interpersonal interaction as a condition for harmonious relations in the student group Habitus Odessa. 2021. Issue. No. 32. pp. 213-218.
8. Guraliuk A., Rostoka M., Koshel A., Skvorchevska Y., Luchaninova O. (2022) Ontological Modeling of Electronic Educational Resources. In: Auer M.E., Hortsch H., Michler O., Köhler T. (eds) Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development – Challenges for Higher Education. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ICL 2021. vol 390. S. 661-668. Springer, Cham.