Valentyna Pavlenko
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Valentyna Pavlenko
PhD (Psychology), Professor at the Applied Psychology Department
July 2002 September 1998
March-April 1998
August 1996
July 1-14, 1996 1984-1986 1973-1978 |
ARTS “The Family: Culture and Psychological Functioning”, Singapore |
St.John's College, Oxford - "Oxford Colleges Hospitality |
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities ARTS "Qualitative Research Methods: Applications Across Cultures and Ethnic Groups". Central European University (Summer University) "Minority Rights: The Watershed Between Ethnic Cleansing Moscow State University - Ph.D (Psych.) Kharkov State University - Diploma with honors: Psychologist. Teacher Scientific interests: Cultural-historical psychology, |
2017 – Swiss National Science Foundation – “Ambient Faith and Public Religion” (Coordinator – Catherine Wanner)
2013-2016 - TEMPUS – IMPRESS (Improving the Efficiency of Student
Services) - Soft Skills, Grant holder – Northumbrian University
2012- FP7 - “Bordering, Political Landscapes and Social Arenas:
Challenges of Evolving Border Concepts in a Post-Cold War World
(Coordinator – Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland)
2006 - Palermo University – “The development of national and European identity in children living in Italy and Ukraine)" within the program "COOPERAZIONI INTERUNIVERSITARIE INTERNAZIONALI – Cooperazione Italia-Ucraina", funded by MURST.
2004 -INTAS – “Political Trust and Political Participation amongst Young People from Ethnic Minorities in the NIS and EU: A social-psychological investigation” (the head of the Ukrainian team)
2003 - Melbourne University – Grant for Australian-Ukrainian cross-cultural study “Development of racial tolerance” (with R. Wittenberg)
2001- National Research Council(USA), Twinning Program “The Rise of Protestantism in Post-Soviet Ukraine: Implications for U.S. Immigration” (with Catherine Wanner)
1999- Open Society Support Foundation (Research Support Scheme) –
"Development of European Identity in Schoolchildren and Students of the Ukraine"
1999-The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation - "A Study of the Formation of Negative Attitudes Among Younger Generations Towards Ethnic Minorities and the Effect of this Perception on Minorities' Rights"
1998- INTAS - "The development of national, ethnolinguistic and religious identity in children and adolescents living in the NIS"(the head of the Ukrainian team)
1998 - Open Society Institute (LGI): Case Study Writing grants: "The first Korean School in Ukraine" and "My Motherland – the newspaper of ethnic minorities of Ukraine"
1998 - Open Society Institute ZUG - course development in "Law, Morals, Identity in a Changing Society"
1997 - National Council for Soviet and East European Research (USA - "Memory, History, and Identity in The Former Soviet Union"
1996- Open Society Institute (Research Support Scheme)"Jewish Emigration: Motivation, Barriers, Transformation of Ethnic Identity"
1995 - The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation –"Ethnopolitical Situation in the Crimea from the Point of View of Russians, Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars"
1994 - Ukrainian Ministry of Education with Soros Foundation – Grant for writing textbooks on Ethnic Psychology and Applied Ethnic Psychology
1993 - Central European University Foundation (Research Support
Scheme) - Grant for an individual "The Study of the Notions of Nation in Ukraine and their Influence on International Relations and Interaction"
More than 150 publications in Ukrainian, Russian and English
Select Publications:
Pavlenko V. (2000). "Ideas on correlation of social and personal identity in modern western psychology." Voprosy Psichologii, 1, pp. 135-142. (in Russian).
Pavlenko V. (2001). Specific Features of European, National and Ethnic Identity Formation in the Schoolchildren of Ukraine // Conflict and Identity, Palacky University, Olomouc, 1-6 July, 2001, pp. 196-202 (in English).
Pavlenko V. (2002). Interrelation between ethnic and religious identity development. In: Identity and Tolerance (Ed. By N.Lebedeva). Moscow, IEA RAS, pp.49-68 (in Russian).
Pavlenko V. The Influence of Some Topics from School Textbooks on Ethnic Stereotypes Formation. In: Crossing borders, changing minds? (Ed. By J.S. Fure & L.A.Ytrehus). – Hoyskoleforlaget – Norwegian Academic Press, 2003, pp. 45-57. (in English)
Bennett, M., Barrett M., Karakozov R., Kipiani G., Lyons E., Pavlenko V., Riazanova T. Young Children’s Evaluations of the Ingroup and of Outgroups: A Multi-National Study. Social development. – 2004. – N.1. - vol. 13. - Pp. 124-141 (in English).
Pavlenko V.N., Taglin S.A. General and Applied ethnic psychology. – М.: KMK Scientific Press, 2005. - 483p. (in Russian).
Panok V., Pavlenko V. & Korallo L. Psychology in the Ukraine // The Psychologist. 2006. V.19. №12. pp.730-732 (in Engish).
Pavlenko V.M. Olexandrov Y.M. Self-regulation as a factor of
wellbeing of youth \\ Vestnik KNU, №759, «Psychology», 2007. - с.173-180 (in Uklrainian).
Ganeva Z., Inguglia C., Coco A., Musso P., Pavlenko V. The development of children’s identification: A cross-cultural comparison between Bulgaria, Italy and Ukraine \\ The Bulgarian Journal of Psychology, 2009, 3-4, pp.188-199 (in English).
Pavlenko V., M., Puertas D. Cross-cultural study of values of
Ukrainian and Chinese students \\ Vestnik KNU, №902, «Psychology», 2010, с.221-227 (in Uklrainian).
Pavlenko V., Bystrov K. Cross-cultural study of functional asymmetry in Chinese and Ukrainian students \\ Vestnik KNU – 2012. – № 1009. – “Psychology” - С.275-280 (in Russian).
Pavlenko V.N. Transformation of national identity and its reflection in monumental art of Ukraine \\ Transformation of etnic identity in Russia and Ukraine during post-soviet period (Ed. By I.A.Snezhkova). – Moscow, 2013, с.328-360 (in Russian).
Ganeva Z., Pavlenko V. Conception of the transition to adulthood: Ukrainian case \\ Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy (BJSEP), Volume 8, Number 1, 2014. - 129-145.
Pavlenko V.M., Mel’nychuk M.M. Psychology of person’s tolerance: Monograph. – Poltava, 2014. – 244 (in Ukrainian).
Pavlenko V. M. Popov D.S. Kross-cultural study of memory in
Moroccan and Ukrainian students \\ Historical psychology and multiculturalism ( O.V.Yaremchuk) – Odessa, ONU, 2015, 151-162.
Applied Psychology: Textbook (Ed. by V.M.Pavlenko). – Kharkiv,
KNU-Press, 2015. – 532p. (in Ukrainian).
Pavlenko V.M. Culture and Memory: Recall in Different Cultural Contexts // Journal of Russian & East European Psychology. – 2016. – Vol. 53. - № 2. – Pp. 25-39.
Pavlenko V.N. The Cultural-Historical Development of Mental Processes and the Theory of Stepwise Formation of Mental Actions and Concepts // Journal of Russian & East European Psychology. – 2016. – Vol. 53. - № 4. – Pp. 15-27.
Pavlenko V.M. Ethnopsychology: textbook. - Kharkiv: V.N. Karazin KhNU, 2019. – 448 p. (in Ukrainian)
Pavlenko V.N. The concepts of "tool", "psychological tool", "sign" and their relationship // Cultural-Historical Psychology. 2020. Т. 16. № 1. Pp. 122—131. DOI: 2020160112 (in Russian)
Pavlenko V., Kurapov A., Drozdov A., Korchakova N., Reznik A. & Isralowitz R. (2021): COVID-19 Fear Association with Ukrainian “Help Profession” Student Mental Health, Substance Use, and Resilience, Journal of Loss and Trauma, DOI: 10.1080/15325024.2021.1961408 (in English)
Kurapov, A.; Pavlenko, V.; Drozdov, A.; Bezliudna, V.; Reznik, A.; Isralowitz, R. Toward an Understanding of the Russian-Ukrainian War Impact on University Students and Personnel. Journal of Loss and Trauma. 2023, Vol. 28, N.2, 167-174.
Pavlenko V., Kurapov A., Drozdov A., Korchakova N., Pavlova I., Yehudai M., Reznik A. & Isralowitz R. War impact on Ukrainian university women: Does location status effect depression and quality of life factors? Health Care for Women International, 2023, Vol. 45, 164-168.
Wanner C., Pavlenko V. Cultivating an Empathic Impulse in wartime Ukraine // Conversations on Empathy: Interdisciplinary perspectives on imagination and radical othering (Ed. by F. Mezzenzana and D. Peluso). London: Routledge, 2023. – Pp. 135 – 153. DOI:
Pavlenko, V., Kurapov, A., Drozdov, A., Korchakova, N., Pavlova, I., Reznik, A., & Isralowitz, R. (Accepted/In press). War Impact on the Well-Being of Ukrainian Female Healthcare Professionals. Journal of Loss and Trauma.
Pavlenko V. The emotional and behavioral consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the civilian population of Ukraine. In: Dispossession: Anthropological Perspectives on Russia’s War Against Ukraine (Ed. by Catherine Wanner). Routledge, 2024. Pp. 45-62.
Kurapov, A., Pavlenko, V., Drozdov, A., Korchakova, N., & Pavlova, I. (2024). Impact of War on Ukrainian University Students and Personnel: Repeated Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1–17.
References, Citations: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4947-3995
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