Department of General Psychology


Head of Department:

Ivanova Elena Feliksovna, doctor of psychological sciences, professor



Ivanova E.F.

doctor, professor

Zaika E.V.

cand., prof .

Melnik I.M.

cand., doc.

Yavorovskaya L.N..

cand., doc.

Nevoyennaya E.A.

cand., doc.

Mayevskaya N.A.

cand., doc.

Gimayeva Y.A.

cand., doc.

Panibrateno V.V .



Department of Psychology (first Psychology Department) was established in 1963 at the initiative of prof. PI Zinchenko, who led her in 1977 to further development of the department associated with the name of his pupil Professor GK Wednesday. The Department was opened branch of psychology biological faculty, and then formed Department of Applied Psychology.


Areas of research

The main directions of scientific research department of psychology are problems of cognitive processes, and especially the mechanisms and principles of functioning of memory, and developmental psychology. Continuous line of development is seen in the context of various social innovations, first of all - education. We study the development of the leading types of activity - in primary school, adolescence, youth and student age.


The most famous achievement

Classic studies of involuntary memory, made outstanding domestic psychologist PI Zinchenko, is generally recognized achievement Kharkov psychological school. He is the founder of the school psychology of memory. His monograph devoted to this theme, was awarded the Prize. KDUshinsky.In the 80 years GK Wednesday created a general theoretical model memory position system-activity approach. He owns the idea of ​​tiered approach to memory and its futurologist nature. GK Wednesday and the department was not only wide range of theoretical research, but also applied, especially in education and engineering psychology.Comprehensively studied patterns of collective and historical memory (Prof. AF Ivanov, Assoc. I. Melnik, Assoc. Zaika EV) long and biographical memory (Prof. Laktionov) .In the context of developing training psychology personality development in primary school, adolescence, youth and student age (Prof. AK Dusavitsky). Basic research conducted within this field in the 90 years found wide practical implementation in the construction of developmental education in Ukraine, Russia and other countries.


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історія України або іноземна мова


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